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North Texas School District Promotes LGBT Group Offering ‘Queer Sex Ed’ Lessons

Writer's picture: Texas Family ProjectTexas Family Project

Katy Drollinger l 9/27/2022

As school districts across the state come under fire for indoctrinating students with transgender theory and divisive racial policies, Lewisville Independent School District, located near Dallas, is promoting “Queer Sex Ed” to children.

Last week Libs of TikTok—a Twitter account that routinely exposes the sexualization and indoctrination of children—shared screenshots from Lewisville ISD’s Counseling Services page, which included links to LGBT organizations PFLAG and Youth First Texas.

Although the school district removed direct links to these sites, they still list both organizations as resources for “LGBTQ” students.

Youth First Texas, an offshoot of Resource Center Dallas, is “one of the only LGBTQIA+-focused programs in North Texas that addresses the challenges LGBTQIA+ teens face at home, school and in the community.” The group offers a weekly Queer Identity Night where children ages 12 to 18 meet with “transgender adult mentors.”

The organization also hosts a monthly “Queer Sex Ed” group, where teens meet over Zoom and discuss “things not always talked about in conventional sex ed like trans anatomy, consent and more.” The program’s facilitator, Libby Crank, outlined the project’s objectives and highlighted how the group equips teens for activism.

“Success for this program looks like empowered LGBTQIA+ youth who feel like with this information, they can go out into the world and make safe, informed decisions about their health and sex life,” said Crank. “It also means they are confident enough to share the information with others. I will feel like we have reached success when I know the participants have the tools to advocate for themselves and others.”

Crank also explained how teens participating in “Queer Sex Ed” continue spreading divisive gender ideology outside of the program:

“We also wanted to teach younger people about the power of peer education. Because if you can feel confident and empowered enough to teach others about sex ed, that is actively reducing the stigma around sex in general. We intend to teach queer youth sex ed and give them the tools to go out into the world and educate others and advocate for themselves.”

Youth First Texas also links to Q Chat Space, a chat-based live discussion group for youth ages 13 to 19. Teens can join chat groups on topics ranging from “Choosing My Name,” “Queer Interracial Dating,” and a sex education group encouraging individuals to “ask questions and learn how to care for your trans and non-binary body.” A “quick escape” bar is present on every Q Chat Space webpage which, if clicked, switches the screen to the Google homepage so teens can hide their participation in the group from their parents.

PFLAG, the other website included on Lewisville ISD’s resource guide, promotes itself as “the first and largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families.” The organization offers a variety of resources, including a National Glossary of Terms which defines radical gender theory words like polyamorous, omniromantic, and nonbinary lesbian.

As parents across the state push back against radical gender theory in their children’s schools, Lewisville ISD will have to decide if they will continue promoting LGBT organizations to students.

TFP is on the front lines for Texas families, as the Left continues waging their anti-family war, and will not back down.

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